The Facilities Management Specialist!

27th July 2024


Providing Integrated Facilities Management Solutions for Our Customers...                     



Health and Safety Policy Statement


Keensbury Support Services Limited Health and Safety policy endeavours to comply, promote and maintain a safe working environment in line with the Health and Safety At work Act 1974 and ISO OHSAS 18001 standards; we aim to fosters a culture where safety is at the forefront and utmost priority in everything we do as a business.


As an employer, we take Health and Safety of all our employees and clients/customers extremely seriously. Maintaining a safe environment is the responsibility of everyone including all subcontractors and employees, especially management; employees must take reasonable steps and precautions to ensure their personal safety and others is not put at risk at any time and to ensure the workplace is safe.


Managers and supervisors have the additional responsibilities to lead in a manner which promotes Health and Safety at all times. 



As an employer we have a responsibility to provide:


  • Health and Safety policies and the work they do
  • The company's duty of care policy to all employees
  • The best ways of providing information, training and record keeping
  • Process and procedures of recording Risk and COSHH assessments
  • Training that ensures all employees are competent to carryout tasks









All employees have a duty and responsibility to:


  • Co-operate with supervisors and managers on Health and Safety matters
  • Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their health and safety
  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety
  • Ensure they use the correct Personal Protective Equipment
  • Report all Health and Safety concerns / defective equipment to a supervisor / Line Manager













Company Health & Safety Policy Document contains:


  • Policy statement
  • Employer's responsibilities
  • Employee's responsibilities
  • Training
  • Risk assessments
  • Safe use of equipment
  • Safe Working Practices
  • Lone Worker
  • Manual Handling
  • Working At Heights
  • Safe use of Ladders
  • Confined Spaces
  • Hazardous substances (COSHH)
  • Accidents reporting and First Aid
  • Consultations
  • Crisis management / Emergency procedures
  • The Importance of Safety Signs and Signals
  • Source of information



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At Keensbury Support Services we take a holistic client centred approach to Facilities Management; we work with pride and passion. We do things the right way, the first time every time. Everything we do is built around our customers. We provide an Integrated

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