The Facilities Management Specialist!

27th July 2024


Providing Integrated Facilities Management Solutions for Our Customers...                     



Equal Opportunity Policy Statement



Keensbury Support Services Limited is fully committed to equality of opportunity in all areas of its business operations; we celebrate culture and diversity in our business. This policy aims builds the foundation of equality and anti-discrimination legislations and strives, not only to comply with legal requirements but to use this as a platform to ensure that the company endeavours to promote best practice.



Everyone must and will be treated in a fair and equal manner and in accordance with the law regardless of:


  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Race
  • Creed
  • Religion
  • Colour
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation





We actively promote the 'Protected Characteristics' legislation in our work place as part of our Equal Opportunity policy.



Definition and explanation:-


Protected Characteristics


The Equality Act 2010 introduced the term "Protected Characteristics" to refer to groups that are protected under the Act which are listed above. Under no circumstances will anyone be discriminated against.


At Keensbury Support Services Limited we endeavour to comply with all relevant Acts relating to 'Equal Opportunities including:



  • Race Relations Act 1976



  • Sex Discrimination Act 1975



  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995



  • The Equalities Act 2010



Our selection process is govern by the principles of meritocracy; every individual will be  selected solely on their merits.



Keensbury Support Services values/celebrates diversity and recognises that our business would be immensely enhanced by the different range of backgrounds, experiences, views, beliefs and cultures contained within our business now and in future. The company aims to embrace diversity in all its forms and acknowledges that variety and difference are intrinsic and critical to the success and future development of our business.


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About us

At Keensbury Support Services we take a holistic client centred approach to Facilities Management; we work with pride and passion. We do things the right way, the first time every time. Everything we do is built around our customers. We provide an Integrated

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